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3. Activation and registration of Ultranalysis® Suite

3.1. Serial number

Your serial number has been communicated by e-mail:

UAS Activation

Figure 3-1: Specimen of e-mail containing the serial number

When launching Ultranalysis® Suite for the first time, the following license window opens automatically.

UAS Activation

Figure 3-2: License information window

Encode your serial number in the corresponding field. If you are using the trial version of the software, use the menu Help -> License Set Up.

3.2. Hardware code

Generate your hardware code by clicking on the button Generate. This code is unique and can only be used with your machine.UAS3 User Manual

UAS Activation

Figure 3-3: The hardware code has been generated

3.3. Registration of Ultranalysis® Suite

Visit our server at the address Encode your serial number in the corresponding field and then click Next step:

UAS Activation

Figure 3-4: Type your serial number

Or click on the link at point 3. in the email received.

The server asks you to encode the hardware code and to confirm your coordinates.
Type your hardware code in the corresponding field.
If the other fields are correct, tick the box Yes, the company & user information displayed below are valid! and click Next. The system sends you by e-mail your license number.
If information is incorrect, please contact your local dealer or SDT International.UAS3 User Manual

UAS Activation

Figure 3-5: Standard e-mail of license number attribution

3.4. Activation of Ultranalysis® Suite

Come back to the license window of Ultranalysis® Suite, type your license number in the regarding field and click Enter. You can also add your user and company names:

UAS Activation

Figure 3-6: Type the license number, username and company

The application confirms your activation is successfully completed:

Congratulation, you are ready to use Ultranalysis® Suite.